Antefling is a concert put on by student radio as an underground alternative to Yale’s annual Spring Fling. As design director, I developed a visual identity and created posters and logos to reflect the cyberpunk futurism aesthetic of this year's lineup of hyperpop artists. 

More details about my design process
3 weeks, April 2023

Visual Identity, Graphic Design, 3D modeling, Motion Design

Photoshop, Blendr, NomadSculpt, AfterEffects

WYBC Yale Student Radio





 As design director of radio, I’ve created many one-off posters for our basement shows and worked with musicians/artists to make designs consistent with their visual identities. I was excited to take on this assignment because the aesthetic of the artists aligned with my own and would be a fun chance to design multiple posters, logo, and merch around one visual identity.

 As with all the radio events I design for, I listened to the headliner and opening artists music and researched their visual identities before hand. I was also given a moodboard by the concert organizers to work with. Cyberpunk and Y2K aesthetics came to mind when I looked at their moodboard, so I made my own inspiration board with those aesthetics as well as common visual motifs used in the hyperpop music genre and some of our headliner’s album art. 

 From this, I played around with typefaces and made 3 logos inspired by blocky y2k fonts and black metal lettering to be screen printed onto shirts

I initially presented these logos to the organizers as different directions we could go with the visual identity, but they liked all 3 of them and wanted to make multiple merch and poster designs from each.

After the logos were set, I started developing other aspects of the visual identity by experimenting with posters. Since I had a lot of creative freedom with this project, I decided to explore the identity through making rather than start with an established visual identity.

In my initial mockup (above), I was frustrated with how the text got lost against all the decorative lines, so I scrapped my first design and made some new iterations with 1 central 3D element and grid textures. 

I further developed the cyberpunk inspired visual identity by bringing in 3D-modeled metallic elements.
My final designs incorporated the following to communicate a cyberpunk identity for our hyperpop concert:

  • Type: pixelated and slanted blocky typefaces for that futuristic cyber feel
  • Colors: Neon green contrasted against black background
  • Materials: Metals and liquid chromes, old analog screens, grid textures



Animated in AfterEffects, Modeled in Blendr & NomadSculpt :)